blogA new roof for Mabibi Primary School
Posted in:Community Support | News
Posted on:December 1, 2019
Mabibi Primary School
During various meetings held with the Mabibi Primary School governing body, it was apparent that one of their most pressing issues was the disrupted lessons during rainy season – their rooves were old and rotten, resulting in water pouring into the classrooms and disrupting class. Solving this issue would be their first and foremost goal.

The Isibindi Foundation, through the assistance of extremely generous donations from our guests at Thonga Beach Lodge, and collaborations with Mabibi Primary School, replaced the roof of the Mabibi Primary School Hall in October this year. This hall also serves as a classroom for Grade 1 and 2 classes, and the occasional community meeting. The project included replacing the roof sheeting, strengthening existing trusses, installing new ceiling boards where required, as well as replacing broken gutters and fascia boards. The children of Grade 1 and 2 now enjoy a safe, dry area in which to learn.
We are extremely grateful to all who have contributed towards this project, which resembled a distant dream for the school not so long ago.

Mabibi Fun Run
The Isibindi Foundation is proud to have launched the inaugural Mabibi Fun Run on the 5th of October 2019. This successful event hosted some 30 runners from Mabibi Village, who participated in the 5km run/walk. All runners received a medal, fruit, and re-usable water bottle as a token for taking part, while trophies and mielie meal were presented to the senior winners. While the juniors received prizes including calculators, math sets to assist there learning experience at school.

Much fun was had by all community members, and we are looking forward to the 2020 Mabibi Fun Run!